I make no promises to be much of a success, but I find that life has led me here and I hope to figure out why. Until then, I hope that my many anecdotes, neuroses, and quiet contemplations keep you entertained. Well, not really, but that sounds like something nice to say, doesn't it. This blog is mine, and I write for my entertainment alone. Readers are just along for the ride.
As for an update, while I have suffered no personal loss in the last year, I find that my mind drifts on to the ones from the past two, which happened shortly after the post about how I wanted to say something. I still do, but the words are more easily slipping from the tips of my fingers than they are from my mouth.
January is not a good month for myself, or a few of the others who I am in touch with, and for that I wish to say that I am sorry. I wish that there was something that I could do for each and every one of those people who have suffered during this month. Had I been a religious person, I might have prayed, but my faith in any and all things has wilted to almost nothing. I do wish you a better year than what has been so far.
With all my love, dear readers.