Saturday, March 13, 2010

New Thoughts

The more I read on feminism, the less I seem capable of describing myself as one. At one point, I would have found this sad, but as my world has shifted to encompass ideas outside of what I knew, I'm finding myself to be glad for the loss of this label.

Why? Because with it comes the idea that many of my favorite bloggers are nothing more than contemptible faux human beings who are setting women back by decades.

How? Because they enjoy/work involving some sort of sexual "deviancy." Former call girls, dommes, pornography pioneers who are working towards broadening the scope to include hard core made for women. These women are the ones who are promoting true feminism.

Not women who promote the idea that sex should always be vanilla. That women shouldn't be using sex as a means of supporting themselves. Yes, some women live hard lives that leave them feeling as if they have no choice but to go to sex work, but not all women in the industry are like that. Not all women using sex to get money are crack whores. In the case of Belle de Jour, you have a brilliant woman who willingly chose to prove the idea that sex sells.

Anyways, enough of my prattling. Ta for now.

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