Thursday, December 13, 2007

Has it truly been so long?

Probably, I've pretty much ignored the blog route for a while, instead, I've been opting to kill myself with final exams and too much caffeine.

It was all worth it though. My grades for the classes I worried about were spectacular. Especially considering I'd not seen one of the letters as a sort of indicator of my academic success in a good two years. What can I say? When it comes to proper school work, I am lazy to the point that lazy doesn't cover it.

Anyways, this semester, my two craziest courses were Restoration and 18th Century Lit, a course in which the professor actually expected students to speak and be outgoing and the like, and Undergraduate research, which required a journal of 80+ entries or so as well as all of the stories and pieces that had been worked out throughout the semester. Well, listen here kiddies... In the end my journal had about 35, with a small letter of apology as to why it was so short, as well as three pieces (as is the norm), and an annotated bibliography that listed books that I'd not touched, ever.

I know I seem like the pinnacle of slackerdom with this, getting by with as little work as possible, but this is why I'm surprised. I've gotten myself accustomed to the idea of not doing much and getting by with something along the lines of a B to a D (mostly the first since these are my major courses after all). I'm wondering what happened that came out with me earning an A.

Not that I'm not excited. Don't get me wrong. This has me jumping for joy. Just surprised joy.

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