Thursday, December 27, 2007

Not So Fa-la-la-la

As an update as to the present condition of my barely existent social life during this time of year, here's my latest post.

I wound up going to work last week, and for about four hours this past Monday. It's sad when you know that co-workers are seemingly sad to see you go, and you're honestly wishing that you didn't have to. For those of you who don't know, for the time being, I'm an office drone- I mean, office assistant. I file, copy, print, answer phones, etc. Now, for someone like me who should rarely be allowed around people outside of a classroom setting, this is a major sort of job. I shouldn't enjoy it as much as I do, but there is a sort of peace found in the repetitive nature of my job. One that has helped me through the past few months of living with insufferable roommates.

Now, at two in the morning, I find myself missing the job that I will occasionally rant about in person. I would normally be asleep right now, blissfully slumbering before class or work the next morning/afternoon. I'm not, and it's driving me crazy. I'm antsy and exhausted and numb all at once, if such a condition is possible. I'm wanting the life of waking up at 6 to be at work by 7:45. I'm wanting the life of the girl whose social life is currently on hiatus outside of hanging out with friends and the one co-worker who is just a year (if not less) older than I am.

Perhaps this is a sign that I should go to sleep. I don't know. When I'm tired as I am right now, I'm usually feeling more of an emotional drain. But then again, I've nothing to compare that drain to this week. With the exception of perhaps four people, I've not been around anyone this week. I've no sort of emotional overload since last week when stress levels were running high in the offices of my building.

Oh well. No more prattling on this night.

Good night to all who might come across this. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Yule, Kwanzaa, etc. I can't seem to remember all of the holidays that take place around this time of year, and I don't feel like offending anyone right now by getting everything wrong.

And also -- Happy New Year All!

1 comment:

daisy said...

hi!! i m not good as u r ..i mean in english i m worst speaker of english but ya i wanna be ur friend coz i wanna learn more n more .....n moreover u r from usa it will be good opportunity for me to learn more