Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A Day

I would love to be able to say that I am finished with my senior work for my creative writing degree, but I can't. I can say that I am one step closer however. After today, one course that I dreaded since realizing that I would have to take it about four years ago is almost complete. I hit my own personal milestone in the fact that I went up onto a stage and began preparing myself for my final project -- A capstone reading that I will be giving sometime in the next year or so. Most likely in November.

It's almost sad though. With this day, I realized that my life in college is almost over. I know that this means that my life in the so called "real world" is about to begin, but, honestly, is that something that I should honestly look forward to? Maybe, maybe not. I've gotten comfortable in my rut, and that's why I like it. I'm a creature of habit. What else can I say?

But my comfortability is my curse in the end though. I've learned that if I let myself get comfy in my present position, I wind up stuck in a rut that drags me down. That's probably why the last couple of years have not been as successful as I could hope they would have been. That's the only reason I'm not on the verge of panicking when it comes to thinking about what I am going to do after I get out of here. That's the only reason that the first weekend in May of 2009 is looking more like a bright point than one of no return.

And with those words, I must part good readers. I hope everyone who reads this finds some sort of vague interest in the miniscule details of my life. Don't quite know why anyone would, but as the saying goes -- "The grass is always greener."

Monday, March 10, 2008

Funny -- Notes on a blog(ger)...

I've been sitting here, typing out something that's been tap-dancing along my mind, while looking up every few minutes, I'd look up as my roommate, the one who I've lived with for going on a third year now, sits there writing out the first part to what she had titled her memoirs. She seems to have found her niche in the writing world, despite how chances are, her profession may not allow her to go down that road. I'm almost proud of her for that. Not because I have chosen writing as my path in life, but because she's actually writing out something that's making her happy.

As pathetic as that may sound, I've known this person for almost five years. We've gone from text based vampire games and sparsely blogging to writing out that which affects us the most. Mine have been allowed out through the joy that is fiction, while she's going taking the route that I fear to go down -- Non-fiction.

I suppose that's the route we've both taken in our own ways. We've been "blogging" for years now, though the identities have changed to those who do not know us. She's just chosen to elaborate upon that, though she does not plan on forgetting her roots. I've been told that everything she's written will be going into her livejournal. Can't say that I've not done the same. Just I've not let them be read.

It's funny how things have turned out.