Monday, April 26, 2010


I'm a little afraid to admit what I think is happening lately. After years of romantic autonomy fueled solely good friendships with members of either sex, I believe that the outer shell I've depended upon so greatly is cracking. I find myself wanting someone in my life in a way that is solely mine. Someone to create a sort of balance that one finds with a "significant other."

I can imagine the mixed reactions that I might draw out if I were to tell people. "Aw, you're finally growing up/developing a compassionate heart/acting human," is the kind I dread and expect. Especially since I've already gotten the heart one. Another, slightly more welcome reaction is, "Oh, bollocks/hell/fuck, another pathetic whiner griping about being single. Goodbye, blog."

I assure you, none of these will be the case. I don't like reading blogs focused solely on finding another person. Give me observational blogs. Or ones from a varying perspective.

Anyways, I just felt like posting it so that I'll have gotten it off of my chest.

And with that said, I bid you farewell, dear reader.